- 8:00 AM Tuesday Crew
- 9:00 AM – Divine Service/Holy Communion
- 10:30 AM – Bible Study
- 11:35 AM – Adult Choir
We believe, teach, and confess that Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord and that through faith in Him, we receive forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and salvation.
We confess that “our works cannot reconcile God or merit forgiveness of sins and grace, but that we obtain forgiveness and grace only by faith when we believe that we are received into favor for Christ’s sake, who alone has been ordained to be the mediator and propitiation through whom the Father is reconciled” (Augsburg Confession, XX, 9).
We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven and that all who die without faith in Him are eternally damned.
We believe that those who believe in Christ will enjoy a blissful relationship with Him during the interim between their death and His second coming and that on the last day, their bodies will be raised.
We, therefore, reject the following:
1. That we may operate on the assumption that there may be other ways of salvation than through faith in Jesus Christ.
2. That some persons who lack faith in Christ may be considered “anonymous Christians.”
3. That there is no eternal hell for unbelievers and ungodly men.
Trinity Lutheran Church is a confessional congregation affiliated with the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (LCMS). Trinity is committed to teaching the truth of God’s Word, with Christ crucified for sinners - 1 Corinthians 1:23 - the center of our life and doctrine.
Trinity's worship follows the historic liturgy of the Church. We are known as a young and musical church that boldly sings the great hymns that reflect the reverence, dignity, and joy of the Christian confession.
Pastor Adrian Sherrill is our senior pastor. He is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, IN. He received the Divine Call to Trinity in 2001. Pastor is married to Linda, and they have thirteen children. With the help of the congregation, he hosts a continuing education class each August. He does the work of a parish pastor, taking an interest in being a help however he might to the people of God. When he was a year old, his father entered the seminary and is still serving Trinity Lutheran. He also has a brother, Nathan, who is a pastor at St. Paul Lutheran in Council Bluffs, IA.
The Rev. James Bauer was born in Lincoln, Nebraska and raised in rural Seward county. He was confirmed at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Goehner and graduated from Seward High School in 1968. Upon deciding to study for the holy ministry he attended St. John College, Winfield, KS, graduating with an AA degree in 1970. He finished his undergraduate work at Concordia College, Seward, NE, graduating in 1972 with a BS in education. He immediately enrolled at Concordia Theological Seminary, Springfield, IL, graduating in 1976 with a BD and MDiv. His vicarage year was served at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Puyallup, WA. Pr. Bauer married Linda (nee Schardt) Bauer of rural Hebron, NE in 1971. They have two daughters, Mrs. Jeffrey (Angela) Hensiek of Arvada, CO and Mrs. John (Andrea) Kidd of Centennial, CO. Pr. Bauer was called to St. John and Zion Lutheran churches, Chester and Hubbell, NE upon graduating from the seminary in 1976. He served these parishes until accepting the call in 1978, to become campus pastor at University Lutheran Chapel, Lincoln, NE. In 1990. Pr. Bauer accepted the call of Trinity Lutheran Church, Denver, CO, serving this parish since then. Pr. Bauer has been, and is involved, in many circuit, District and Synodical activities. He was elected to and finished two 6 year terms on the Board of Governors for Concordia Historical Institute in St. Louis, Mo. Pr. Bauer has taught beginning theology at Lutheran Theological Seminary in Pretoria, SA and led theological seminars twice in Uganda.
The Reverend Thomas E. Lock was born and raised in Illinois. He was confirmed at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Riverton IL [outside of Springfield] and graduated from Riverton High School. He earned a Bachelor of Music [Music Education - Instrumental] from Millikin University in 1984 and a Master of Church Music [Composition] from Concordia University-River Forest in 1991. After serving as a Church musician in parishes in Illinois, Florida, and Wisconsin, he entered Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, graduating with a Master of Divinity in 2002. He has served as pastor in Minnesota and Indiana. In 2010 he earned a Master of Sacred Theology degree from Concordia Theological Seminary; his area of primary study was preaching and worship/liturgy. A number of Kantor Lock's compositions have been performed and recorded by the CTS Kantorei. His setting of "We Praise You and Acknowledge You, O God" has been used in many parishes within America. Recently, he has written articles for the soon to be released book, Hymnal Companion to The Lutheran Service Book, and written Bible Studies on select Hymns of the Day [also soon to be released]. While a student at River Forest, he met a deaconess student, Kathy [nee Horky]; they have been happily married since 1993.
Pastor North Sherrill is an Associate Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church. Prior to his current call, he served Our Savior Lutheran Church in Grand Rapids, MI. He is a 1979 CTS MDiv. alumnus.
Born in Newbury Port, MA, and raised on a farm in Nebraska, he met his wife Sharon at the University of Nebraska while studying for a career as a Chemical Engineer. He and Sharon have four children - Andrea Tellier, Pr. Adrian Sherrill, Pr. Nathan Sherrill and Caleb Sherrill. They have 23 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren.
We welcome visitors and would love the opportunity to talk with you about Trinity's many opportunities to receive God's blessings of salvation and life together.
Divine Service
Every Sunday with Holy Communion
9 am
Trinity Lutheran Church was established as an LC-MS congregation on the first Sunday in March 1956. It was a joint cooperation between the District Mission Board and members from St. John Lutheran Church.
As was the church planting philosophy at the time, it was to be a neighborhood congregation so 2.79 acres were purchased between Raleigh and Tennyson on Yale Street in Denver. The larger area was known as “rabbit hill” because there were so many babies being born.
The first building was constructed as a house with no interior walls. If the plant failed the house could be sold. But the Lord blessed the congregation and it quickly began to grow. The first church was built and dedicated in 1958. The house was finished on the inside and became a parsonage.
It became apparent by the early 60s that a larger church building was needed. The present church was dedicated in 1964. The nave seats approximately 400 and has been remodeled several times. The old church became the parish hall. A major addition of an administrative building was constructed and dedicated in 1995.
Today Trinity is a vibrant, young congregation. She has established a reputation as a strong, Confessional Lutheran congregation dedicated to the historic practices and liturgy of the Lutheran church. Good church music is a high priority. She draws members from all over the Denver metro area.
Thank you for support!